Thursday, September 23, 2010

1 year later...

1 year
12 months
52 weeks
365 days

It amazes me how much our lives have changed in such a short amount of time. I mean really a year is just a second in the grand scheme of things but some years are monumental in a person's life. For Jordan and I, the past 365 days have been full of the happiest, saddest, funniest, most romantic, exciting, scariest, sickest, and most frustrating days of our lives. We have experienced dates, engagements, wedding prep classes, bridal showers, bachelor/ette parties, a wedding, a honeymoon, assistantships, graduate coursework, graduation, job searches, interviews, new jobs, apartment hunting, and moving into our first big kid apartment ... along with emergency room visits, diagnoses, surgery, radiation treatments, and countless visits to UIHC. Any one of these things would be considered a big deal and we decided to take them all on in a 12 month time frame... At times, I think back and cannot believe that it all started a year ago today...

After reading that last paragraph you are probably thinking one of 2 things:
1. Jordan and Kate are the most insane people ever and should probably seek some kind of professional help or take a REALLY long vacation to a tropical island for the next three years.
2. Jordan and Kate are the most amazing and inspirational people I have ever met and should win an award for their awesomeness.... seriously...

Well, either way... you are wrong (although the 1st one is kind of right... we do need a beach vacation)... we are not inspirational, amazing, or insane... we are just Jordan and Kate... who happen to have gotten a few things thrown at them at the same time... if God did not think we could handle it...he would not have done it...

We also could not have done it if we did not have the most amazing and supportive family and friends. We do not tell you all enough how much you have helped us this past year and we really never will be able to express how much it has meant to have such a strong team on our side... The only thing we can do is continue to love you all and support you through your good and bad times like you have done for us :)

So... to end this terribly cheesy post I want to tell you all thank you and that I sincerely hope that the next 365 are a little more calm but as happy and filled with love as the last 365.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our favorite season is here!!


While I know that I am the love of Jordan's life, I think that Hawkeye football comes in at a close second. This is the first year in SIX years that Jordan and I have been without season tickets and at this point I think we may be going through withdrawals. We will attempt to get our Hawkeye fix this season by going to a game with Chris and his family, driving to the Northwestern game in November, occasionally attending Iowa City tailgates, and (of course) watching the game on the nearest t.v. But really, there is nothing like standing in the student section with 5000 of your closest friends (maybe one of us should go back to school again so we can get tickets again... just kidding).

Besides Hawkeye football, fall also brings out my favorite clothing stiles (hoodies, scarves, and jeans), the best foods, fresh air, and warm smells. Since this is the last weekend we have free until the middle of October, I wanted to get as many of these things as possible.
Hoodie= check
Chili on the stove= check
Windows open=check
Apple candle= check
Awesome weekend= double check

Those are just a few of the reasons that we love fall....